Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Home sweet home!

This is the last week which I will have a free day. =( All modules will be running from next week onwards. Lots and lots of assignments and yet, I dont have the sense of urgency to clear them before they start piling up (in fact, they are already piled up). At least I am almost done with two of them! =D

Yesterday I went to watch a R21 show, my first time watching a R21 show. The title of the movie is "Girl$". Here is the overview of the show:

Different people have different issues; "Girl$" tells the tale of four prostitutes with different backgrounds. Bespectacled Gucci peddles her virginity for a second-hand branded handbag, Icy does it to support her loser-boyfriend, rich girl Ronnie does it because of boredom and Lin the happy hooker falls for one of her clients. When a maniacal killer who likes to cut up girls is on the loose, a perverted cop and a former sex client with Aids are among some characters that come their way.

The reason I wanted to watch it is because I thought the show will be about murder, about suspense. Who knows, only 15minutes of the show was about the murdering and at the end of the show, they did not say who killed that girl. Arg. Most of the time, they were just showing how the girls are having sex with different guys. Its just like watching porn, and some are pretty violent. I always think sex is a sweet and nice experience shared between two parties who are in love. But the show makes sex looks disgusting. Yucks.

My free day and I have two tuition later. Poor me.. =(

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Had a great time at Escape Themepark with my kids. Really miss the time in school. I miss the bunch of naughty yet adorable kids. May them be happy and heathly always! Thank you for giving me all the fonds memories of you guys. =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A poem I came across from Education Psychology handout. I think its quite meaningful.

I'm just another baby to a gynaecologist
I'm a girl to my mum
I'm a daughter to my dad
I'm a sister to my siblings
I'm a student to my teacher
Im an employee to my employer
I'm a teacher to my students
I'm a wife to my husband
I'm a mother to my children
I'm a neighbour to my neighbours
I'm a stranger to strangers
I'm citizen to this nation
At the end of the day
When I lay my head on my pillow
Am I
Who I am to myself?

"The world is a stand and we are all the actors and actresses on the stage. We played different roles at different times and many a times, a few roles in a day. At the end of the day, do we know exactly our own identity? Do we behave how people expect us to behave?"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Start of week 2 tomorrow. I still prefer to be standing infront of the classroom rather than sitting down. To be honest, I miss my contract school. I miss my colleagues. I miss my students. =(

To all my friends, have a great week ahead. It will be friday soon. =D

Sunday, September 05, 2010

In hall..

I'm glad that my roomie is someone whom Ive been seeing almost everyday for the past 9 months. Otherwise, I will never ever stay in a room with a stranger.

I'm pretty tired now because I went to a chalet yesterday and I only slept less than an hour at night!!! It has been donkey years since I stayed over in a chalet. Went cycling from Changi Safra all the way to Changi Village and all the way back to Changi Safra. My butt almost caught fire! But its pretty nice to cycle beside the 31 year old and 11 year old girls! =)

Some things happened this term and I am totally caught off guard by what I am facing now. I choose to hide and pretend that nothing has happened initially. Now, things have been surfaced out, I choose to run away. How useless of me.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

My story in WRS has come to a full-stop...

Last friday was my last day in WRS. I did not expect myself to cry when I bid farewell to my kids but I did. The speech by my netball girls, the hugs and the words really touched my heart. I hate to say goodbye to them because they are a group of awesome kids, especially my sec 4 girls.

Yesterday the contract teachers went back to school for the celebration. I was very happy to see all my students once again. I never expected to recieve so many "thank you" cards and gifts and I was overwhelmed by their sincerity.

I'm proud to say my one year stay in the school is all worth it! I may not be the best teacher or a wonderful teacher yet. Hoowever, Im glad that one year stay in the school has somehow helped my students to grow in one way or another.

Now I truly understand what teaching is all about, how teaching gives the kind of satisfaction that people in other profession will never ever understand. =)

Thank you 1E1, 1E3, 1T7, 2E1, 2T8, 3T7, 3T8, netballers, and colleagues for giving me wonderful and memorable moments in the school which I will never ever forget. I will definitely miss all of them.