Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A neighbourhood school which only thinks highly of teachers who were previously from the "branded" schools.
What rights do you have to belittle teachers who were from neighbourhood school when the school you managed are also a neighbourhood school?
Are you trying to tell the students that you are not as good because you are from my school, a neighbourhood school?

Yes. Indeed I'm not from the top-notch school. But I am very proud of my own schools. I am sure that my results were definitely better than some of the students from the "branded" schools. I am very sure that unlike those "branded" schools, my classmates are all selfless and that's the reason why my class is still so closely kneaded. Clever and smart they might be, characters and behaviours of these "branded" students might not be as good as students from those schools you looked down on.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The life of a teacher is not as simple and easy as everybody thinks. It seems nice to be able to knock off at 230 when then last bell of the day rings. It seems nice to be able to have day off when students are having their vacation. The fact is.. How many teachers really knock off at 230? How many hours have a teacher been working if he left the workplace at 5? Do keep in mind that teachers start working at 7am. Even when teachers reached home after a hard day of work in school, when on saturday and sunday, the work of a teacher never stops.

Lesson plan (Powerpoint slides, games/activities, worksheet, test paper, how to teach this and that).
Admin work (photocopy, data entry, ..)
Meet the students.

All these.. They happen on a weekly basis.

Now I truly understand why some of the teachers said "If you don't have a passion for this career, go find yourself another one. Given the amount of time and effort you put in, there are many jobs outside which pay much better than this."

Sunday, January 03, 2010

First day of school = First day of work

Tomorrow will be the first day of work for 2010. No more slacking time table, no more early time off. Full swing. 5 classes and CCA.

Feeling nervous, excited. Will be co-teaching with another teacher for 3 classes and for the other 2 classes, I will be in there alone. No more mentor, no more guiding.

I guess there will be tough time. I foresee there will be lots of obstacles ahead. However, i will treat each of the stones lying ahead of me to be my stepping stones.

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

Happy 2010 to all my friends. May this new year will be a good one for all of us. :)