Sunday, September 25, 2005

Prelim was over. Dun tink i will get my desired grades but juz pray that i wun do badly.hope miracle can happen n make me get quite good grades baz..

Been thinking about my life this weekend..sad at somethings n happy at others.

Sad that till now, i dun haf a true n close friens. my social circle isnt wide and on top of that, i dun haf a good pal whom i can easily share my joy n sorrow with.quite sad.18 years of life n ive none.i once haf.but since we enter sec sch and due to our hectic life, we drift further and further apart. my life isnt interesting and instead dull i would say.

God is fair though. he gave me a happy family ware all of usare close together. my family isnt well off yet we are united. we play n haf laughter everyday,even wif my parents..i luv my fortunate to haf them. they didnt gif me stress..they didnt control my freedom..they are fantastic.

was kinda sad this weekend...dunno why...suddenly feel depressed..but im happy when i go out..wif ju n my close buddy...they make my life bright up..tink human beings realli nd pillar of support baz...

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Im not prepared..1/5 done wif my cmaths.. 1/10 done wif my fmaths n physics..wat the.. how am i goin to finish...can sumone send me an angel that can help me memorise all e facts,definition and formula!!!for cmaths, i tink wif all tt, i will be able to pass lor..haha. nt good enugh la. i wana get an A..yea...

mr tan praise me on fri!!!woohoohoo...he says i can do well n get good grades..but tink for fmaths i can get C is m7 honoured n can get B is a miracle lah, not dare to tink of A. as for phy, too long nv touch, quite rusty..haha

went ack to sec sch wif andrea n deanna on teachers' day eve. so pathetic. oni e 3 of us were there. oni saw mr T n tan. nevertheless, e 3 of us are happy to meet each other. went amk to hunt for pizza but whu noes,pizza hut closed down!wahahah....took cab to woodlands juz for pizza. deanna had a crave for it lah. quite crazy rite..took cab to eat pizza. enjoy ourselves there la.all of us bought e same mag..haha. quite funni.

am i distracted from sch work?a question posted to me by mr nt sure. but dun tink i am cos i still do my work n sumtimes can b even faster than andrea,xj,tirsh. so guess im nt lah..moreover,my cmaths grades r nt tt bad. haha..for fmaths,it is always bad la but for recent tests, i did quite for phys, long time no dunno my guess im nt. i wun let thns distract me in this last 2 mths la..i oso noe he will nt distract me n ask me study la.i will also asks him study.woohooo

goin out nxt tues with him to play e whole day...yea~yipee. as for e rest of e hols, we will stay at home or go out study together.we will make sure we at least pass lah...but not an E please...haha..looking forward to next tues n prelim, im cuming!!!we muz nt b scared of exams so that we will be calm when doin e papers..e more u scared of it, e worse u will do..tts wat i realise lah...ganbate!!!

work hard my friens!!!