Friday, April 24, 2009

Finish my last lap in NTU. Although I only have two papers, both killed me! Cant finish one of the paper and the other paper was a killer. Grr..Hopefully I dont da bao any of the two if not i can faint.

Nothing much after exam. Tuition almost every day. Spent few days touching up on our itinerary. Went out with friends and I went to KTV twice this week! Hehe. It was fun!!! Oh. And I read finish a storybook and went jogging once. I think the last time I did these activities were like in dec!

I got accepted by MOE. But of me wanted to go there but part of me is reluctant to go there. Its like angels and devils in my head! I love giving tuition so I dont mind teaching. But I know that classroom teaching is very different from tuition and being a teacher involves more than teaching alone. Moreover, Im being posted to sec sch. Tough kids! I dont know what other kind of jobs im looking for. Definitely not banking I guess. Have to get back to MOE in two weeks time. I guess most probably I will go for this job..Opps..Its career...Shall decide after my grad trip!

Yes! Grad trip next monday. Looking forward to it. Food and shopping and sight seeing! Woohoo..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The person who stole my MP3 shall be cursed!!!

After mugging very hard, it was finally lunch time and Andrea and I happily skipped to Causeway point for lunch from woodlands library. After lunching, we went to chit-chat with Jing and Gary. When I returned to my seat and was about to switch on my laptop, I realised my bag was neither on the chair nor floor!

I though Gary played a prank on me so I go over to ask if he had taken it. I panicked when I realised he didnt. Told the librarian about it and she only told me to fill up this stupid form and said that they will call me if someone returns or they found it. Who the hell will return it when it was stolen and not misplaced!! Grr.

Walked around the library and suddenly, I saw a bag lying on the ground besides book shelves. Walked over and realized it was my bag! The zip was opened and everything was inside, except my MP3, the most valuable of all other things (tissue paper, key, and some rubbish). Went to tell the librarian about it and after a long pause, she replied "so no further action will be done right." Im like &%^&%$W^%W@#@X.

The security guards they hired are only responsible to wake those people who are sleeping in the library or eating in the library. They walked around all day long and never even bother to help find my bag. WTH. Grrr.

Super sway because only my bag was stolen and Andrea bag was safe. Maybe my bag looks more attractive arh. Or maybe smells nicer. Im glad that I paid the almost 300 bucks bills in the morning. Otherwise, I have to fork out the money to pay for the bills. Also, luckily that I took out my tuition fees the day before.

To those who always visit the library, do take good good care of your belongings!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Having my examination in a week time. Lots of things not studied. Two papers on two consequtive days. I dont really have luck in essay questions cos I think I simply write too slow. First paper is a super disgusting case analysis paper. Kind of afraid I wont do well. Second paper on Bio. Not much better. 6 years didnt touch bio and I never ever like bio cos I have super poor memory. So...

Quite tired this semester. Busy with stupid FYP, that stupid core module which have assignments everyweek and tuition. Dont really have a break inbetween. To make the thing worse, I need to get worried about my career after graduation. Career not job because I want to work for something I like. But, I dont know what I want yet. Haix. My energy bar is actually blinking non-stop now.

Cant wait for the last paper to end. Yet, I dont want school to officially end as I know Im not prepared for the workforce at all.