Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Having my examination in a week time. Lots of things not studied. Two papers on two consequtive days. I dont really have luck in essay questions cos I think I simply write too slow. First paper is a super disgusting case analysis paper. Kind of afraid I wont do well. Second paper on Bio. Not much better. 6 years didnt touch bio and I never ever like bio cos I have super poor memory. So...

Quite tired this semester. Busy with stupid FYP, that stupid core module which have assignments everyweek and tuition. Dont really have a break inbetween. To make the thing worse, I need to get worried about my career after graduation. Career not job because I want to work for something I like. But, I dont know what I want yet. Haix. My energy bar is actually blinking non-stop now.

Cant wait for the last paper to end. Yet, I dont want school to officially end as I know Im not prepared for the workforce at all.


At 10:10 AM , Anonymous stephy said...

good luck for ur exams! gif urself some time to sit down and tnk carefully what u reali wans..evy1 goes thru this stage.. so don worry!jiayou! enjoy ur tw trip too...


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