Saturday, September 03, 2005


Im not prepared..1/5 done wif my cmaths.. 1/10 done wif my fmaths n physics..wat the.. how am i goin to finish...can sumone send me an angel that can help me memorise all e facts,definition and formula!!!for cmaths, i tink wif all tt, i will be able to pass lor..haha. nt good enugh la. i wana get an A..yea...

mr tan praise me on fri!!!woohoohoo...he says i can do well n get good grades..but tink for fmaths i can get C is m7 honoured n can get B is a miracle lah, not dare to tink of A. as for phy, too long nv touch, quite rusty..haha

went ack to sec sch wif andrea n deanna on teachers' day eve. so pathetic. oni e 3 of us were there. oni saw mr T n tan. nevertheless, e 3 of us are happy to meet each other. went amk to hunt for pizza but whu noes,pizza hut closed down!wahahah....took cab to woodlands juz for pizza. deanna had a crave for it lah. quite crazy rite..took cab to eat pizza. enjoy ourselves there la.all of us bought e same mag..haha. quite funni.

am i distracted from sch work?a question posted to me by mr nt sure. but dun tink i am cos i still do my work n sumtimes can b even faster than andrea,xj,tirsh. so guess im nt lah..moreover,my cmaths grades r nt tt bad. haha..for fmaths,it is always bad la but for recent tests, i did quite for phys, long time no dunno my guess im nt. i wun let thns distract me in this last 2 mths la..i oso noe he will nt distract me n ask me study la.i will also asks him study.woohooo

goin out nxt tues with him to play e whole day...yea~yipee. as for e rest of e hols, we will stay at home or go out study together.we will make sure we at least pass lah...but not an E please...haha..looking forward to next tues n prelim, im cuming!!!we muz nt b scared of exams so that we will be calm when doin e papers..e more u scared of it, e worse u will do..tts wat i realise lah...ganbate!!!

work hard my friens!!!


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