Sunday, January 17, 2010

The life of a teacher is not as simple and easy as everybody thinks. It seems nice to be able to knock off at 230 when then last bell of the day rings. It seems nice to be able to have day off when students are having their vacation. The fact is.. How many teachers really knock off at 230? How many hours have a teacher been working if he left the workplace at 5? Do keep in mind that teachers start working at 7am. Even when teachers reached home after a hard day of work in school, when on saturday and sunday, the work of a teacher never stops.

Lesson plan (Powerpoint slides, games/activities, worksheet, test paper, how to teach this and that).
Admin work (photocopy, data entry, ..)
Meet the students.

All these.. They happen on a weekly basis.

Now I truly understand why some of the teachers said "If you don't have a passion for this career, go find yourself another one. Given the amount of time and effort you put in, there are many jobs outside which pay much better than this."


At 2:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

all the best, you'll be a great teacher loved by many! (:

At 2:01 AM , Blogger sq said...

that's why being a teacher is a noble job! :)

but i guess what's so special about this job is, many years down the road, you can be sure that there's at least one student who remembers you.

also, imagine one fine day, you received a card from a particular student saying what you've said or did actually changed his/her life for the better.


transform life and mould the future of our nation!!!

hahaha. aiyo. i make it sound like im some spokesman for MOE.

but on a serious side, if you realised that teaching is not for you, better to move on from there before going to NIE.

see ya real soonnnnnnnnn!
meet up for dinner one of these days and we can have heart to heart talk! :)

and meanwhile, take care of yourself.

miss pui pui.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger cutechicky said...

Thanks! Just some ranting here and there because in my entire life, I have not been so hardworking before (not even when im studying). I still like my job.. Like the challenges given to me by difficult students and love the smiles and laughters of those rascals!!! =p

At 12:16 PM , Anonymous stephy said...

seems like a really tough job.. give it some though b4 u decide if its really the job for u. jiayou :)


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