Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A poem I came across from Education Psychology handout. I think its quite meaningful.

I'm just another baby to a gynaecologist
I'm a girl to my mum
I'm a daughter to my dad
I'm a sister to my siblings
I'm a student to my teacher
Im an employee to my employer
I'm a teacher to my students
I'm a wife to my husband
I'm a mother to my children
I'm a neighbour to my neighbours
I'm a stranger to strangers
I'm citizen to this nation
At the end of the day
When I lay my head on my pillow
Am I
Who I am to myself?

"The world is a stand and we are all the actors and actresses on the stage. We played different roles at different times and many a times, a few roles in a day. At the end of the day, do we know exactly our own identity? Do we behave how people expect us to behave?"


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