Exam period is finally over..
Marking of exam scripts - Done
Keying in of marks into school cockpit - Done
Marker's Report - Done
Student's remarks - Done
Left with one more week to semester break!! Woohoo~
I'm pretty satisfied with my classes Mid Year Exam results
1E1 Maths (My form class): 100% passes and 75% distinctions =D
1E3 Maths: 1 failure and 63% distinctions
2E1 Maths: 100% passes and 63% distinctions
2T8 Maths: 1 failure and 66% distinctions
3T7 and 3T8 EBS: 3 failures and 23% distinctions =(
I am super happy with my 1E1 maths grades. They are the last express class and yet, they have done pretty well. I have scolded them the most and spent alot of time on them. Im glad that my effort paid off.. EBS grades arent that fantastic.. =(
Overall, Im pretty happy with the results. I feel so touched when my 2NT kids told me "This is the first time I have passed my Mathematics." I feel so happy when I see the smiles on my kids' faces when they recieved back their papers.
2 more months and I wont be seeing these kids. I guess I will definitely miss them. Will they miss me too?
stephy: well done chicky!
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