Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Work is piling up. Lots and lots of work. Projects, reports, quizzes, presentations, cca booth... I can foresee myself to be super busy the next few weeks.

I should have gotten used by all this shit after survivng for 3 semesters in NTU. But why am I still complaining over here. I dont know. It seems like although I know that Ive lots of things to be done and I have to get all of them done, I often sat down and start wandering off into my own lala land. I dont know where to start from, which work to begin. I took hours to complete one single task. I get distracted easily by other things. My mind simply doesnt want to follow my command.

I dont feel stress. Its because of this lack of urgency that makes me worry. Without even a tiny bit of stress, how am I going to get my work done on time.

Wheres the old gekeng? Wheres the gekeng who can finish her work fast and spend the rest of her night sleeping and watching tv away? Wheres the gekeng who always took pride in her work, doing the very best in things that she has set herself to do? Where are you...

Perhaps, I have changed....


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