Saturday, June 04, 2005

What are friens for? To throw u aside when u haf found someone in your life? to simply juz ignore u n leave u alone?to avoid u when u n ur stead are together wif them? thats wat i get lah... mabe thats my retribution... mabe im nt a good frien afterall..mabe they juz dun lk me...was realli sad n disappointed juz nw...thx gals for givin me such a memorable trip to sentosa...untterly sad n disappointed....

i noe we should be given more time to spend together...but when we go out wif a group, cant u all see that we simply want to mix wif friens n play together...if we want time together, we would juz go out together alone...we arent tat stupid...realli dissappointed...esp. with one person...u cant even see that im sad n angry..starting to question i realli noe u well?e years we spend together seems to me like a few days...everything change...

mabe a person can oni choose between friens n stead... to haf friens means u cant haf stead n to haf stead means u will lose ur friens...stucking in between this two, im realli confused...reluctant to choose cos i realli treasure both side...but if u all choose to do tis to me, wat can i do? do i realli need to make a choice...this is realli torturing me...making either choice wun make me happy...hope that everything will turn beta

realli thx shiqi...u realli give me alot of support n help...without u, i will still be in a dilemma...n i strongly noe that i did not make e wrong choice n i wun regret it....


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